Some more thoughts on Citeulike

I’ve been using Citeulike to manage my references for a few months now and there are some things about it that are great. I love the browser button (available from here) and the way that it means I don’t have to type in article details any more. However, there are a few glitches.

Sometimes, upon import, a conference paper is incorrectly entered as being a journal paper or a full conference proceedings. I’ve not worked out which sites this happens with yet, but I’ve definitely seen it with Springer LNCS imports and maybe some others. To correct this, you need to edit the article details. However, the “journal name” field can’t be blanked out just by deleting it. To remove a journal name you have to actively tell citeulike that you want that field to be empty, which is done by putting two slashes in the text entry box – that is, //. Otherwise you’ll end up with both journal name and conference name (identical) appearing in your output.

This information (and much more) can be found in the citeulike FAQ wiki.


  1. Hi – if you manage to get a handle on which type of imports break – please let us know. Probably really easy to fix once we have the info.

    The wiki is brand new (as of 2 days ago). We’ve already added quite a bit compared to the old help pages but please tell us of any gaps that need filling.

  2. Author

    Hi Fergus

    Thanks for your comment. I think one of my papers had that problem importing from LNCS so I’ll see if I can work out what’s what.


  3. Author

    OK I’ve tracked it down and posted in the citeulike forums here:
    Import problem with LNCS (I couldn’t track down an email address on the site, so assume that was the right place to put it).

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