I’ve just had a guest post published at Grenoble Life, the Anglophone website for Grenoble & environs. It’s about finding spicy ingredients in Grenoble. Here are some Google Streetview links to the various shops, just in case you want to find out what they look like: Saïgon Store, 6 Rue Doudart de Lagrée 38000 Grenoble has a range of mostly Vietnamese products – good range of noodles, some fresh exotic vegetables and some frozen stuff, and a huge range of spices. You can get decent hot chillis here and stuff like lemongrass, galangal, and other south east asian vegetables and spices. View Larger Map CarrefourRead More →

A couple of articles in Grenoble et Moi (one of the many free magazines and newspapers distributed throughout the town) caught my eye the other day. The first is about the reaction of Algerian fans every time their national team wins a match – apparently last time this happened, a car and a scooter were torched. I’ve not seen any burning vehicles, but I have seen lots of hooting cars with young men hanging out waving Algerian flags. The police are quoted as saying: “Nous ne sommes pas à un niveau d’alerte dun match du GF38, mais nous devons maintenant être vigilants à chaque matchRead More →

Those of us called “Hannah”, who are from the UK, spend a lot of time saying things like this: My name’s not “Anna”, it’s “Hannah”, with an “H” My name’s spelled “Hannah”, with two aitches, one at the end and one at the start Yes I do know it’s a palindrome, thanks! Yes, please tell me your favourite palindromes. Yes, I have heard the one about the canal and the plan. I’ve always found it particularly annoying when people manage to send me email to hannah@ … but then start the message “Dear Hanna”, or “Dear Anna”. As for spoken anna-isms, I noted a markedRead More →

Number 5 in a series of N… Now, having looked it up, I know that Chlamyde is the French word for a Chlamys. Which is a type of Greek cloak. But when I first passed this shop I was sure that it was an upmarket tailors called Chlamydia. Which is a type of sexually transmitted infection.

This post, whilst a bit geeky, might be useful to anyone who’s got to write documents with references in them… I’ve recently discovered Citeulike, a website that organises your references and bibliographies for you in a nice shiny web2.0 kinda way. A colleague pointed me at it a while ago and I was sceptical – because it would be terrible to have all of your references and bibliography saved on an internet site and then for that internet site to go bust. But you can always download the database files (they export to many formats) and keep your own backups, and now they’re now sponsoredRead More →

L’Aber Wrac’h is on the north coast of Brittany. It’s rather beautiful. On the first night, outside the pub, we found a bucket of fish. A large group of barefoot heavily suntanned and weatherbeaten young men were very amused at me taking a photo… I presume it was their fish. But you never can be sure. Pictures of buckets of fish never come out as well as you hope though, so here’s a field of maize. The conference trip was a boat journey to a lighthouse – the tallest stone built lighthouse in the world. It’s a bit rocky around there, so I guess lighthousesRead More →

This is a big week travel wise. On Friday we have a project meeting near Nice (we’re going there and back in a day, taking the lab car – this means I have to be at the polygone scientifique at 5.15am Friday morning, and we’re not due back till 10). And on Sunday I go to COSIT’09 in L’Aber Wrac’h, Brittany. This is about as far from Grenoble as it’s possible to get whilst remaining in France. That’ll be a tram-train-metro-train-bus trip, taking about 9 hours. Looking forward to it though – I still think TGVs are super cool (and there’s a good chance thatRead More →

Another geeky interlude with mplayer and mencoder… See this earlier post on streaming video for video download assistance. You can get the software from here and it’s free. Taking a video file and splitting it into a load of numbered jpeg files is a useful thing to be able to do (particularly if you can’t get video input to work with OpenCV). This can be done really easily with mplayer: mplayer input.avi -vo jpeg:outdir=output_directory Replace “output_directory” with the directory you want the files to end up in and there you go. You will of course end up with lots of files if your video isRead More →

This view takes about an hour to get to from my front door, on foot all the way. Click on it to see a bigger version, if you want. This one’s about half an hour further – the sticky out bit of grassy building & mountain you can see about half way across is where the first pano was taken from. For a 3 hour round trip it certainly blows away the cobwebs. 500m up, 500m down again…

General geeky interlude… From time to time I need to download, grab from a webcam, convert, cut, and generally manipulate video files, and every time I do it I have to look up the settings for mplayer, mencoder or ffmpeg again from scratch. So I thought I’d put some recipes for common tasks up here just in case they are useful for anyone else. These use mplayer and mencoder which are available for windows, macosX and linux, but I can only comment on the linux version so don’t ask me any windows questions! Finding a webcam Lots of people put webcams pointing at sites ofRead More →