A Lightstage is a system which lets you completely control illumination in a particular space, and capture images from multiple views. They’re used for high resolution graphics capture and computer vision, and they’re fairly rare. I don’t think there are many non-commercial ones in the UK, and they’re research kit (which means you can’t really just go out and buy one, you’ve got to actually build it). Usually, Lightstages are used for facial feature capture, but I’m kinda interested to use them with plants. With the support of the National Plant Phenomics Centre, here in Aberystwyth, and and Aberystwyth University Research Fund grant (URF) I’veRead More →

This last week I’ve been at an interdisciplinary Rank Prize Fund meeting on sensing and automation in crop production. Normally I am very careful about taking time out during the teaching term, but these meetings are so prestigious, and I managed to talk Roger into delivering one of my lectures, so I don’t think the students missed out much. The Rank Prize Fund is a trust set up by Lord Rank (J. Arthur Rank – he of the film company, with the gong) to support research into his two main interests: optoelectronics, and human nutrition. The Rank Prize Symposiums are meetings which invite a mixtureRead More →

The International Workshop on Image Analysis Methods for the Plant Sciences will be held this year in Aberystwyth. The workshop is aimed at computer vision and image processing people working in the plant sciences, and plant science people doing work with images. I’m the co-chair, along with Marie Neal from the National Plant Phenomics Centre, Andrew French from Nottingham Computer Science and Susie Lydon from Nottingham’s Centre for Plant Integrative Biology. Key facts Abstract submission 1 Aug. Abstracts should be 2 pages max, PDF, submitted via CMT the conference submission site. Registration deadline 1 Sep. You can register online via EventBrite. Conference dates 15-16 Sep.Read More →